June 20, 2022 | A Year of "Jubilee"

On February 3, 2020, I returned to Asbury University to testify at a chapel service celebrating the 50th year celebration of a world changing revival in 1970. (When God Comes - 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Asbury Revival). I was a scrawny freshman when I personally encountered Jesus Christ in the middle of the night of February 6, 1970. It was quite traumatic for me. Overwhelmed with the burden of my sins, I tearfully found forgiveness and salvation at an old-fashioned altar.

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Player's Progress

The year is 2056, and at age 43, Paul “ProV” Player has lost his way. His dreams of being a star on the PGA tour are gone. His ex-wives and two kids don’t much like him. He has run out of money and friends.

Except one man, Lucas Friend, who invites “ProV” to Scotland for his first experience with links golf. Both of them get more than they ever imagined. A mysterious Voice in the Dornoch Cathedral says there may be a “wisdom in the sand” which could change everything.

So off the twosome go, in search of a treasure at the greatest golf course in the world, if they can find it in the Orkney Islands.   Is it all a dream or is it real? And if it is, can his new discoveries be real enough to take back to California, to change his life, to mend his broken relationships, to find Wisdom?

Come. Follow these golf pilgrims into a future that might show you how good life can be.
