NOAH BUILT AN ARK: To save his Family

“And the things you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” 2 Timothy 2’2

Sometime around 1970, men like Robert Coleman and Dennis Kinlaw began to seriously invest in Al Coppedge, who despite lots of knowledge, including a doctorate in theology, still needed discipleship.  And then, understanding the truth of 2 Timothy 2’2, Al began look for ‘faithful men’. One of those men was Paul Law, home in Wilmore from the mission field.

As all that was happening in the early 80’s, a young lawyer named Tim Philpot was saved but barely hanging on. No one saw the need to disciple this young man because outward appearance indicated he was doing fine. Lawyer, nice wife, teaching Sunday school, no criminal record, good Methodist boy in a church pastored by his brother.

But Paul Law saw him. And called him. And invited him to participate in a ‘Barnabas’ group, a radical idea from Al Coppedge inspired by John Wesley.  And that group saved my life. It began a life long journey of relationship with Al Coppedge and all of his friends and disciples.

Download the chapter, “Discipleship and Family”

Buy the book, “Discipleship: Essays in Honor of Dr. Allan Coppedge”