May 2022 with Mr. Wisdom
Today's story is from the Thanjam Old Age Home for Men in South India, founded by our friend Richard Samuel and his wife Annie. The home is for older men abandoned by families to their deathbeds or the streets.
One of those men is an 82-year-old former Hindu monk, formerly known as Mr. Subramani. In March 2018, he was sent to the Thanjam home by a local doctor who declared that he would be dead within two weeks. He was a homeless Hindu monk.
Four years later, he is alive and well— a miracle man. I met him face-to-face in May 2022. Our time was brief so I asked the workers to send me his story. This is it.
Subramani’s primary duty as a monk was painting the idols in various Hindu temples. He hated Christians. He hated the name of Jesus. His mocked the Almighty God of the Bible and His ministers. He was unmarried and lived a completely immoral lifestyle in every way.
In 1983, at age 43, a Christian family moved in near his home. These new neighbors were Christian and a nuisance for him, especially when one of their daughters, Nesamani, age 20, expressed her desire to marry him. In her own desperation and poverty, she saw Mr. Subramani as her only hope for marriage and a future. Her family reluctantly agreed to her marriage to this Hindu monk.
Subramani was not a good husband. He neglected his wife. They lived separately for many months at a time. He was seldom home for his wife or two children. His life was travelling and painting the Hindu idols. And cursing Christians every chance he got.
Eventually, Subramani's lifestyle took its toll. He was struck with several diseases which left him completely destitute and homeless. Just five years ago, there appeared to be no hope for Subramani. His death seemed eminent. He roamed the city and its many temples— disturbed and sick— just one of the millions of homeless in India.
But good news was on the way. His salvation story started with a local doctor named Dr. Suganthi, whose housemaid was the monk’s wife. He showed up nightly to Dr. Suganthi’s clinic for shelter – just to sleep. He was soon admitted to a government hospital for life threatening asthma and a serious urinary problem. The treatment was ineffective. His wife and children had long ago given up hope and abandoned him. He was alone in the hospital. Years of immoral living had taken its toll on the entire family. His family wished him dead and even tried to bribe Dr. Suganthi to kill him through injection.
However, this Christian doctor intervened and told them that she would handle the situation and sent them away. She hid him in a solitary ward, even beyond the discharge date, unknown to the hospital. She arranged food for him and gave him a Bible, not knowing that he could not read or write.
Dr. Suganthi finally called the Thanjam Home. She told the staff that he would be alive for only 15 more days. Mr. Subramani thus came to Thanjam Home to die on March 9, 2018.
He arrived on that day quite angry. First with his family, for failing to care for him and abandoning him in an unknown place. And secondly, angry against the Thanjam Home – for they were Christians, the very people he hated the most!
Mr. Subramani now explains his experience:
I was angry at everyone and wanted to die. I was in a lot of pain. I really wished death. But that night, I had an unexpected encounter with God, who appeared before me in person and asked me to believe in Him. I told Him, “I will follow you until death if you heal me and deliver me from this pain.” The following night, I was totally pain free.
He continued:
Soon after, at 3 am, I heard a voice saying, “Take heart, I am here.” I rose from my bed and asked, “Who are you? Show yourself!” His reply amazed me. “No one has seen God, ever”, was the reply. “You can only hear my voice, I am Jesus!”, the voice said. I found myself weeping all through the next day.
At night, He came again and asked me, “Why are you crying?” I replied, “For years, I slandered you with filthy words which I regret now.” He told me that He had accepted me as His child. And I said, “Oh Lord, how great is your unfailing love towards me! You have accepted me as your child!”
Subramani could not read or write, but still, he wanted a Bible (and a mango!):
Soon, one day, Jesus came again and this time asked me what I wanted. I replied that I needed a Bible. I have never attended school. I cannot read or write. But, I had this strong desire to read God’s Word. I also asked Jesus for a mango as I really was hungry for a mango.
The very next morning at 6, Dr. Suganthi’s driver showed up with 12 mangoes and a Bible. The feel of the Bible in my hand tasted sweeter than the sweet mangoes. Dr. Suganthi had no idea that I had asked Jesus for a Bible and a mango in the night. Jesus answered my prayer.
I prayed earnestly for the wisdom and knowledge to now read the Bible fluently in Tamil. Some may not believe it, but by God’s help, I have taught myself to read and meditate on God’s Word.
He then wanted a picture of Jesus:
Another night, Jesus asked me, “What are you looking for now?” I told Him that I needed a picture of Him. I had asked for a picture of Jesus to many, but I still didn’t receive it. But at 4 pm, the next evening, I received it through my home caregiver. He was trying to find a place to hang a calendar with the picture of Jesus on it. He walked all around the home and on his own, decided my room was the perfect place for it! Jesus then told me ‘Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete’ (John 16:24). I have treasured the picture of Christ till now. I do not worship the picture but if helps me to think of Jesus always.
Subramani then heard the Lord tell him to be baptized. When a Hindu is baptized in India, they receive a new Tamil name. He tells the story:
On August 4, 2018, Jesus came into my room. I asked Him what name I should be baptized with. He told me ‘Gnanamani’. I asked Him for the meaning of ‘Gnanamani’ on the day of my baptism (August 10, 2018). Jesus told me, “The ringing of the bells in church brings wisdom – that is the explanation.” So now, I call myself David Gnanamani.
This new man in Christ tells many more miracle stories, including healing from his stuttering speech. But his greatest joy is now memorizing chapters in the Bible:
Through the mercy of Jesus, I have memorized a few chapters from the Bible. Each month, the staff encourage me to study a chapter from the Bible. Within an hour, God helps me to finish memorizing the whole chapter. Now, I can read and talk clearly. I had stuttering speech before. Now, my speech is completely normal.
He summarized his testimony:
It has been more than 4 years since I came to Thanjam Home. My astrologer told me that I would die on December 18, 2019. The doctor had told that I would die within 15 days after my admission here. But, God mercifully extended my life. By God’s amazing grace, I can do all my self-care work by myself.
After my salvation, my primary responsibility has been to cling to Jesus, meditate on His Word, and praise Him at day and at night. I sing His praises daily. (Scroll down for a video of Mr. Wisdom singing praises!)
My hatred for my family has vanished, as the love of Jesus, as well as His forgiveness of my sins, has helped me in forgiving my family and friends. Once a sinner, now a child of God! Previously a mocker, now a vessel for His Kingdom! How tremendous is Jesus’ love for me, that has transformed this life that once mocked Him, into a living testament in this world! Now, I share about Jesus to anyone, anywhere – even in hospitals where I go for routine check-ups. I have prayed for people and have led people to Jesus.
“All Glory to Jesus! All glory and honour to Him alone!”