July 22, 2022 | Nameless

Blessed are those who are generous. (Proverbs 11:25)

This devotional follows a wonderful message last week from Beth Ann Nichols titled “Money Talks”!

“How much is enough?”

That was the question, all sparked by the controversies surrounding the world of golf and the new so-called LIV Tour. Millionaires who don’t feel financially secure sounds odd to most of us, right?

Like Beth Ann, I will avoid specific discussions of this new golf tour.  But the Bible certainly has a lot to say about money. I would add another question to the subject.

“How much should I give?”

Tithing comes into that conversation. Most preachers would tell you 10% goes to the local church. Personally, I don’t agree with tithing per se, mostly because it lets people of wealth ‘off the hook’ when they are able to give a lot more.

So, I have a better question: “How much should I keep?”

One idea you might consider is to calculate what you need to be comfortable, and then give away the rest. Sounds radical for many, I know. And I am not pushing you to do it- but it is something to think about.

My new golfer’s novel, Player’s Progress, includes 18 holes about the major themes of Proverbs at our mythical golf course in the Orkney Islands.

The 13th hole is MONEY. The Bible has a lot to say on the subject. The chapter includes several characters whose names tell you everything about who they really are.

W.D. Deadend is filthy rich but does everything wrong. A depressed Judson Judas is hanging from a tree after losing his wealth in a stock market crash. Forecaddies Richie Rich and Poorest O’Poore are both in love with money. One never has enough. The other thinks an abundance of cash would make him happy. George Generosity and the Widow Mite offer the only voices of sanity.

Greedy Green caddies for a rich young man. What was his name? The Widow Mite explains in the book:

We just call him Nameless. Odd, I know, but how sad his case truly is. His story is told in the Bible (Mark 10:17-31). He had an offer from Jesus to be one of His twelve disciples, and to have treasures in heaven, but he turned it down. He was too busy. Too proud. Too addicted to his stuff. Too much in love with himself.”

She then recites a ‘poem’ from Streams in the Desert, a wonderful daily devotional. Lettie Cowman wrote:

We are not told his name—this “rich young ruler”, Who sought the Lord that day.

We only know that he had great possessions, and that he went away.

He went away; he kept his earthly treasure, But oh, at what a cost!

Afraid to take the cross and lose his riches— And God and Heaven were lost.

So, for the tinsel bonds that held and drew him, what honor he let slip—

Comrade of John and Paul and friend of Jesus— What glorious fellowship!

For they who left their all to follow Jesus, have found a deathless fame,

On his immortal scroll of saints and martyrs, God wrote each shining name.

We should have read his name there—the rich young ruler— If he had stayed that day.

Nameless—though Jesus loved him—ever nameless

       Because—he went away. 

So………… too busy. Too proud. Too addicted to his stuff. Too much in love with himself.

“How much should we keep?”

Prayer: Jesus, open my eyes to see your inestimable value that I might see my earthly wealth into perspective.